手工橡皮印章工作坊の手帕設計日 Stamp Workshop in August





JESCA (Japan Eraser Stamp Creators Association) 認定橡皮章作家/ 講師 Helen曾於日本生活,由於熱愛源自當地的手工橡皮印章這手藝,曾向不同的日本刻章導師學習。考獲資格後於2013年在東京的橡皮印章嘉年華(Stamp Carnival)出展, 並獲兩項印章設計獎。回港之後立志讓更多人認識這手作和感受印章創作的快樂。
地點: JCCAC九龍石硤尾白田街30號 1/F Design Port
報名方法:請先電郵至diyeraserstamp@gmail.com留位,並付上參加者姓名、聯絡電話和電郵地址。並於報名後七日內交學費。請參加者把全數學費存款至匯豐銀行戶口 050-7-075786
如有查詢,請電郵至 diyeraserstamp@gmail.com

English Info:

Eraser Stamp Workshop – on handkerchief
August 10th (Sunday), 2:30PM – 4:30PM

This workshop will be held in Design Port, 1/F of JCCAC in Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong. Like the workshops in the past, I will be teaching students eraser stamp carving and applying stamps on cotton handkerchief. Each student will be given a SEED (made in Japan) eraser stamp board (postcard size) and a white cotton handkerchief (35x35cm). Carving tools and colour stamp pads will be provided and shared during the 2-hour workshop.
For any question, please email diyeraserstamp@gmail.com


Stamping on Cotton Cloth



Was watching TV today and learned about a funny Japanese song called “いい湯だな”, meaning “What a great hotspring” in English. I have been very lucky to have experienced soaking in hotspring in various places in Japan including Hakone in Kanagawa, Zao and Naruko-onsen in Miyagi, and of course, Niseko in Hokkaido. Hotspring, or onsen in Japanese, is a very unique Japanese experience. Since there won’t be any onsen in my hometown, Hong Kong, I am sure I will miss it in future.

I bought this white cotton cloth last month in Tokyu Hands but didn’t have time to try stamping on it till today. These kind of thin multi-purpose cotton handkerchiefs are very commonly found in Japan and I always like their lightness. They are very handy for lots of things including heading to an onsen of course. I added some colour bubbles here to resemble the soap or water bubbles.

Life is good when there is onsen.


From Stamp to Keyholder

Today’s stamp carving class about carving stamp without using regular cutter, as well as using the stamp to create a keyholder.

First of all, our stamp sensei today, Asako-san, gave me a regular eraser stamp plate and after drawing the pattern I wanted on top of it, I was given a yellow plastic “stick” similar to the size of an ice-cream spoon, with a relatively pointed end on one side, and less pointed end on the other. I was told to use it to scrub on the surface of the eraser to rub out the parts with pencil marks.


After the carving has completed, we used Staz-On ink to apply on the stamp. (Don’t use other brands like VersaMark or VersaCraft, as their colour won’t stay on plastic). I was also given this white Acrylic plate, which is commonly used for making keyholders.



Put the acrylic plate inside an oven and heat it up for simply a minute. You can witness the plate will start shrinking and eventually goes flat again. Carefully use a pair of wooden chopsticks to pick it up. If the plate is not completely flat, find a thick book or another cutting mat to cover it for 10 seconds.





Here’s my stamp keyholder! Love it!! Also, you can add colours to this by using marker pen instead of Staz-on ink. For acrylic plates, there are transparent ones to choose from as well! It was really fun to create another DIY product using stamps!

To learn more about my stamp sensei, Asako-san, check out her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/acha.hanko

Have lots of fun in stamping!


Wooden Box with Stamp Design




Make your special stamp designs visible to your everyday life!

This is a wooden box I bought with my handcarved Japanese kokeshi stamps. I have added two colours to them as well.

Like to have one yourself, or have a specially designed stamp wooden box? Please send me a message for enquiry.Thank you!


Eraser Stamp Carving on Postcards

kokeshi spring 001

kokeshi summer 001

kokeshi autumn blug 001

kokeshi winter 001

These are my new postcard designs with eraser stamps, with kokeshi (Japanese traditional wooden dolls) and the four seasons in Japan.

For those who are not familiar, the seasonal change in Japan is quite amazing, and it certainly amazes me, even after years living here, I am still enjoying the scenery of cherry blossoms, maple leaves, snowy mountains (more of those in Hokkaido than Tokyo though) etc. I tried to add my admiration of what I see to these stamps. I hope you will like them too. ^^